Current priorities


Our priorites are agreed each year by the Executive and wider ALACHO membership.  Progress towards tackling these issues is measured and reported to the ALACHO AGM each year in December.


In the current year, our key priorities are noted below along with any relevant outputs or publications.



  1. Homelessness

Following on from the recommendations of HARSAG and the Local Government and Communities Committee, ALACHO members will work to deliver the commitments made in the SG/COSLA high level action plan.



  1. New supply

Supporting the delivery of the SG’s affordable housing target.



  1. Improving the housing response to domestic abuse

Working with Women’s Aid, the CIH and SFHA to develop and implement the approach to domestic abuse set out in the report “Change, Justice, Fairness”.



  1. Housing post 2021 and in particular long-term investment in new social housing

Participating in the discussions around the future direction of housing policy in Scotland with a particular focus on securing a long term commitment to investment in growing the social housing sector across Scotland.



  1. Services to Gypsy/Travellers

Working with the community to improve housing services for Gypsy/Travellers including developing a more inclusive policy and delivery framework.


  1. Fuel poverty and energy efficiency

Supporting the development and implementation of effective housing responses to reduce fuel poverty and meet carbon emissions targets.



  1. Health and Social Care integration

Working to ensure that housing is recognised as a key element in improving health and social care outcomes and ensuring that the sector plays a full part in the process of integration and service development.



  1. Accessible housing and adaptations

Supporting improvements in the planning and delivery of housing services and new homes to meet the needs of those with disabilities.



  1. PRS, conditions and enforcement

Supporting a more consistent and effective approach to improving management, maintenance and conditions and protecting tenants’ rights in the private rented sector.


  1. Welfare reform and social security

Ensuring that local authority housing interests are represented in discussions around welfare reform and the development of the Scottish Social Security system.



  1. Affordability and value for money

Supporting members to develop a better understanding of affordability and value for money in the both capital and revenue born services.



  1. Existing homes and stock condition

Working through the Existing Homes Alliance to promote a better understanding of the condition issues impacting on existing homes and in particular the development of cross tenure standards and improved management of common and shared property.



Across all these areas of work ALACHO will develop an approach that includes a clear focus on equalities and human rights. 


We support the proposal from the First Minister’s Advisory Group on Human Rights that the law should be changed to make housing a human right.  We will work with the Scottish Government, COSLA and others to better understand the implications of such a change and the policy responses and changes to service delivery that will be required to make it a reality.


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